New chapter of another exciting year ahead!

And here we are, embracing 2018 with new resolutions and goals !

Wishing you a happy new year, may this year filled with happiness, good health and prosperity. To more laughter ahead, getting up if life knocks you down,  and spending more time with your loved ones!

Je vous souhaite l’amour, la réussite et la santé la meilleure possible. Et évidemment passer encore beaucoup de moments de rire et de joie avec ceux qui sont autour de vous. Bonne année 2018 à tous!

My new year was rather different this year. Midnight stroke and there I was, scrubbing the carpet in my sister’s house with a wet cloth trying to clean the ‘vomitworks’. Niece wasn’t feeling well for the past one week due to the flu virus going around this winter. Built in carpets is impossible to wash, so imagine me scrubbing the traces off, while holding my breath and try not to vomit.


So what did you guys do for new year? Out with family and friends to watch the all time mesmerizing fireworks? Netflix on the couch eating chips? Read a book by the chimney with a warm hot chocolate?

I am pretty sure most of you are pretty excited about this brand new year ahead. End of 365, and today, let’s start fresh with a new blank page that will be filled with tons of adventures memories, our ups and downs in life!

Vous êtes prêts? 😉 Allez, on y va!

More On My Adventures: