
Korean Photo Booths: 9 Self Studios To Be Cute

Visiting Seoul soon? Here is a list of trendy Korean photo booths across Seoul to capture the best memories of your trip.

My trip to South Korea was definitely something to be remembered. I loved walking down some streets in various neighborhoods and seeing the lovely setups of Korean photo booths. 

From their store design, their lighting, the endless templates you can choose from, and not to forget, the props and costumes for you to use when taking a photo! 

Whether you are with your friends, family, or partner, it is one of the must-do activities while you’re in town. Not only is it trendy and fun, but it is also a part of the lifestyle and a way to capture the sweet memories of your Seoul trip!

I have compiled a list of my favorite trendy Korean photo booths that you must visit before leaving Seoul for an effortless and hassle-free way to capture memories (including Korean photo booth near me when I was staying in Mapo).

Disclaimer: Some of the links here are affiliate links, and I may earn money if you click on them AT NO EXTRA cost to you. I hope you find the information here useful! Thanks!

Here are some awesome tours and activities you can take in Seoul:

Korean Photo Booths 1
Photo Credit: Life Four Cuts

1. Life Four Cuts | 인생네컷

Official Instagram: @life4cut

Life Four Cuts is famously known as one of Korea’s first and largest self-studios, with a mind-blowing presence nationwide and globally. 

The concept of this photo studio in Seoul has a unique meaning to it. It conveys the value of capturing the best photo of a special day in your life in just four cuts. Sweet, isn’t it?

Four cuts simply mean the four photo frames. Of course, you will have tons of possibilities for choosing other frames and cute frame designs amongst the selection. 

Each store has different features, so make sure to test out a few stores while you’re in town. 

The best part of this machine is that you can take a picture with a Korean celebrity! Sometimes, Life4Cuts has a fantastic collaboration lineup with famous K-pop artists such as Seventeen. 

Strike a pose with your favorite K-Idol and keep the memories with you forever.

With the fast expansion of this photo studio around the world, you can simply enjoy the Korean youth culture without needing to travel all the way to South Korea! Don’t forget to download their app to check out their latest events and news.


Gangnam Branch | 1F, 7 Gangnam-daero 106-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul


Gangnam Branch
Hours: 24/7
Address: 1F, 7 Gangnam-daero 106-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Kakao Map | Naver

Sookmyung Women’s University Branch
Hours: 24/7
Address: 1st floor, 24 Cheongpa-ro 45-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 
Kakao Map | Naver

Other locations can be found on their official website.

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Photo Credit: @dontlookup.official

2. DON’T LXXK UP | 돈룩업

Official Instagram: @dontlookup.official

Don’t LXXK Up is not your average Korean self photo studio. It is legendary for its unique camera positioning and the retro Gen Z vibes – wide angle with 0.5 selfie angle from the top!

Instead of the standard camera located just right above the screen right in front of you, this one is located at the top corner of the booth, giving a unique way of capturing allure and giving a whole new in-depth look to the snapshots. It’s amazing!

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Photo Credit: @dontlookup.official

You have two types of rooms, either in red or blue. It depends on which background suits your outfit on that day. 

When you enter, the first room allows you to store your belongings and select your templates, and the other one is the place where you slay and pose for the best shot. 

With increasing numbers of branches across Seoul, I suggest you check out their latest locations on their official Instagram. It’s definitely one of the best Korean photo booths.


돈룩업 Gangnam
Hours: 24/7
22 Gangnam-daero 102-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
Kakao Map | Naver Map

돈룩업 Yeonam
Hours: 24/7
33 Donggyo-ro 46-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul
Kakao Map | Naver Map

On a side note, there is one self-photo studio in Singapore that is inspired by this viral Don’t Lxxk Up booth. If you’re in town, you should definitely go check it out. 

📍One Click Studio

Address: 33A Haji Lane, Level 2, Singapore 189226
Opening Hours: 12 pm–8 pm (Mon to Thu), 12 pm–10 pm (Fri to Sun)

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Photo Credit: @photosignature_hongdae

3. Photo Signature | 포토시그니처

Official Instagram: @photosignature_hongdae

The word cute is all about this Hongdae photo booth – Photo Signature.

Each month, you’ll have different frame designs launched, and it’s too cute not to miss!

From Barbie, Doraemon, Baduck Kim and Shin Chan(which have been my favorites since my childhood days!), you get to experience it all.

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Photo Credit: @photosignature_hongdae

I believe that every month or during a specific period, they’ll have different collabs. So you’ll be able to hop on the trend with your friends, regardless of their age. 

Or, if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, this is the place to go to strike the cutest signature couple pose ever! I didn’t manage to drop by this place, but I will definitely come back and drag my husband here next time.

One feature I look forward to trying and exploring is the black and white original pictures and also the digital version of QR sending of GIFs.


포토시그니처 홍대1호점 (Hongdae Branch)
Hours: 24/7
86, Eoulmadang-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Kakao Map | Naver Map

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Photo Credit: Blogin

4. Photoism Box | 포토이즘 박스

Official Instagram: @photoism.kr

Photoism Box is another trendy and simplistic Korean photo booth you should go for. This photo studio in Korea has an excellent choice of photo studios in Korea. 

If you’re planning to take a photo for your 100th-day anniversary or a graduation photo, then you can go for Photoism Studio. 

This type of studio is equipped with professional equipment and setting, just like having a personal private photographer with you. You can bring your parents, family, friends, or even pets to capture the perfect moments.

Another two types of Photoism are the Photoism Box and Photoism Colored. Photos Box is the standard Korean self-photo studio where you can quickly go and snap a moment of your daily life.

Want to add some colors to your life? Well, Photoism Colored has the benefit of choosing your preferred frame color from red, navy, purple, and khaki. 

Sprinkle some magic onto your photos and make it come alive.

Plus, at Photoism, you can make a reservation in advance, giving you the flexibility to plan your day without missing your spot at the photo booth!


Photoism Box Insadong Branch
Hours: 24/7
52, Insadong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 
Kakao Map | Naver

Photoism Studio Itaewon Branch
Hours: 24/7
40, Bogwang-ro 59-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Kakao Map | Naver

Other Photoism locations can be found on their official website.

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Photo Credit: Haru Film

5. Haru Film | 하루필름

Official Instagram: @haru.film_

Haru Film first got my attention for its soothing blue Pantone color. I love the feeling at ease with the soft color design, and the whole ambiance just puts a smile on your face! 

It’s calming and relaxing, giving a peaceful vibe. Therefore, it is not surprising that Haru Film is one of the most popular photo studios in Seoul. 

It was actually tailored for Generation MZ despite its popularity among local youths. 

Hang out at Haru Film Photo Studio in Seoul to capture a shot of the happiest memory of your day with your friends or loved ones.

These digital photo booths by Haru Film have other locations spread across South Korea, with Jeju’s Haru Aewon branch being the flagship store for its dreamiest setting and Insta-worthy vibes. Drop by if you’re in town. You will not regret it.

It’s a combination of a photo booth studio and a café. It is so lovely that you’ll not want to leave this place. 

Sip a coffee, enjoy the view, and snap a few photo strips from the booth for your keepsake. 


하루필름 신촌점 (Haru Film Sinchon Branch)
Hours: 24/7
7-23, Dongsomun-ro 20-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul
Kakao Map | Naver 

Other locations can be found on their official website

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Photo Credit: Old Moon Self Studio

6. Old Moon Self Studio | 그믐달셀프스튜디오

Official Instagram: @oldmoon_self_

Old Moon Self Studio has a charismatic and simple look. 

Similar to Haru Film, it has a pleasant setting and soothing ambiance. You’ll find tons of cute little props and accessories that you can choose from. 

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Photo Credit: @oldmoon_self_

This photo studio in Korea offers standard frames and unique design frames. The quality of the photo strips is good and has a little filter to it. But the results are natural and make you look nice. 

Other locations can be found on their official website.


그믐달셀프스튜디오 이태원점 (Itaewon Branch)
Hours: 24/7
1st floor, 126 Bogwang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Kakao Map | Naver Map

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Photo Credit: Movement

7. Movement | 무브먼트

Official Instagram: @movement.seoul

Movement is similar to Don’t Lxxk Up, with a twist of high-level, eye-level and low-angle photos. The low angle is pretty hard to get, so I recommend you look for some information on their official Instagram. 

Regardless of the angle, trying out the Movement photo booth with your friends is definitely worth it. You can strike a pose and create a long-lasting memory with your best friends.

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Photo Credit: Movement

It’s always fun to experience various digital photo booths. On top of that, Movement collaborates with outstanding brands such as Teva, Kodak, Torriden, and many more. 

Sometimes, they will have pop-up stores that run for a specific number of weeks. You’ll get to have themed background designs according to the collab!

Follow Movement on Instagram and catch the latest pop-up store in your neighborhood area, or drop by their self-studio stores in Seoul.


무브먼트 포토부스 
Hours: 24/7
19-11, Wausan-ro 17-gil, Mapo-gu
Kakao Map | Naver Map

무브먼트 포토부스 
Hours: 24/7
53 Eoulmadang-ro, Mapo-gu
Kakao Map | Naver Map

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Photo Credit: @sihyunhada_frame

8. Sihyunhada Frame | 시현하다 프레임

Official Instagram: @sihyunhada_frame

What I like about this Korean self-photo, Sihyunhada Frame, is the different colors and themes for each location. 

From purple-mint in Yeonnam, pink-green in Daehak-ro and red-white in Busan, it gives so much life and color to your photos!

Here, you have different frame options to choose from as well, from two frames to as many as nine! 

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Photo Credit: @sihyunhada_frame

With the number of photo booths in Seoul, I’d create a bucket list for photo booth hunting! Hehe. 

The concept of this booth is the same as that of other photo booths in Seoul. Plus, some pop-up self-studios take place in the city from time to time.

This way, you can explore each location differently with your friends, partners, or even work colleagues! 


시현하다프레임 연남점 (Yeonnam)
Hours: 24/7
22 Yeonhui-ro 1-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul 
Kakao Map | Naver Map

시현하다프레임 그린라임점 (Konkuk University)
Hours: 24/7
1st floor, 95 Dongil-ro 20-gil, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 
Kakao Map | Naver Map

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Photo Credit: Play In The Box

9. Play In The Box | 플레이인더박스

Official Instagram: @playinthebox_official

Play In The Box has some unique features. On top of being a self-studio photo, you can also go for rental photo booths. 

Whether it is for a big occasion or a small event, the photo booth trend can never bore the guests or the invitees. 

If you’re a big company and hosting a family day or a big company event, these Korean photo booth machines are an excellent idea to make your employees forget about all the work waiting for them on their office desks!

I am not surprised that you can find Korean photo booths for hire or for rental. In Malaysia, it’s a trend to have these during significant events such as weddings. 

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Photo Credit: Play In The Box

For inquiries on photo booths for hire, you can check the information on their official rental page.

It is a thing to have a photo booth for your wedding in Malaysia, and it is definitely worth the memories. I had photo booths hired for my wedding, too! Just like below 🙂

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Photo Credit: @braderboxphotobooth


Play In The Box
Hours: 24/7
1st Floor, 15, Hongik-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul
Kakao Map | Naver Map

More locations of Play In The Box can be found on their official website

FAQs on Korean Photo Booths

What do Koreans call photo booths?

Korean digital photo booths are called 즉석사진기[jeuk-seok-sa-jin-gi] or 포토부스 (literally “photo booth” in Korean). 

You can find one practically anywhere, and most are located on the busiest roads or in the middle of university neighborhoods. 

They are usually bright color boxes or kiosks that have tons of cute props and accessories you can use to look nice in pictures. 

What are Korean photo booths called?

Korean photo booths are typically known as “photo zones” or “photo spots. 

It could be a real store that is unmanned and open 24/7 or also a pop-up store, which is basically temporary photo booth rentals during a certain period for events or festivals.

How much does a Korean photo booth cost?

A Korean photo booth costs around 4,000 – 5,000 Won ($3 -$4) for two sets of the same four images. Depending on which brand that you go for, the price might vary. 

It is reasonably affordable and accessible to everyone, from locals to tourists and expats.

What is the popular Korean photo booth?

Based on local youth trends, brands like Photoism, Life Four Cuts, Haru Film, Don’t L**k Up, and Photo Signature are the most popular and hottest picks amongst the younger generations. 

Most of them have branches all over South Korea, from Seoul all the way to Busan. This way, everyone can enjoy taking amazing photos.

How to use Korean photo booth?

Using a Korean photo booth is easy. Most of them have English language options, so you don’t have to worry! Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to use the Korean Photo Booth:

  • Choose your preferred photo booth.
  • Make sure you look good and touch up your hair/makeup. 
  • Find inspiration from the sample on the walls.
  • Choose some cute or sexy props.
  • Check the different types of rooms available.
  • Choose a template to your liking.
  • Select the number of prints you want and choose the QR code option.
  • Make the payment.
  • Strike a pose for your photos.
  • Choose the photos you like the most and print them.
  • Download the digital version and video by scanning the QR code.
  • Protect printed shots in protective sleeves.

Hop On The Korean Photo Booths Trend!

Now that you have reached the end of the article be sure to download your Naver/Kakao maps and save these Korean photo booths as your favorites! 

You can also easily save the list of photo booths online prior to your trip, or you can just check out my map on Kakao or on Naver

Here is what mine looked like 🙂

These photo booths are a great way to add a touch of creativity and pleasure to your life, regardless of your age or fashion sense. 

Personally, I love photo booths! It’s the perfect memento to bring back home and also an opportunity to engage yourself in Korean youth culture and experience something new and exciting. 

All you have to do is go in, make yourself look fabulous and pose for the perfect shot. 

If you are looking for a unique way of exploring your moments during your trip to Seoul, then be sure to go on a photo booth hunt and check these trendy places off your list!

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